Friday, December 01, 2006

Our Little "Helper"

God has given us many wonderful things in our lives. One of the best being Phoebe. She has blossomed, virtually overnight, into a little helper. She loves to do things that are actually helpful, like putting away dirty and clean laundry as well as entertaining her brother. Here are a couple pictures of her helping with Thanksgiving.

Helping with Thanksgiving's Peanut Butter Pie.
Cleaning Up is the fun part.

New Job!

Sorry about the lack of posts, life has been busy lately...I know, no excuse. Anyway, I finally got a call yesterday finalizing my employment with Comcast, praise the Lord! I am going to be a Tier 1 Tech Support Rep, helping people with their technical issues. Eventually I will be able to work up to a Tier 2, meaning more pay and responsibility, but I am excited to learn more about the field. My last day at Cracker Barrel is tomorrow, which I am excited about to, with some reserve of course. I know, though, that this is the Lord's will. There are so many benefits to going to Comcast that I cannot list them all, but at the top is that ability to see my family more. I will miss the friends I have made at Cracker Barrel and will never forget the lessons God has taught our family through working there. Please pray for us as we go through this transition and praise the Lord for answering prayer!