Monday, September 25, 2006

Two Months, Twenty-Nine Days...

Two hours, five minutes, and seven seconds until Christmas! Yes, that wonderful, cheery time of the year is almost upon us again when families and friends exchange gifts, food, and goodwill. Are you ready, or are you going to wait until fifty seconds before Christmas Day to do your shopping (we take gift cards, cash, check, and major credit cards)??

Seriously, sorry about the lack of posts. I have been busy regulating my work schedule and have been in between work, family, and sleep. Jimmy is doing great, is three weeks old, and is almost sleeping through the night! It is a blessing to have two children. I never thought I would ever have such a blessing in my life, but am very thankful to have the two God has given us! Phoebe is learning more and more each day and is a great help to both of us. I have never seen a two year old who helps with trash, dishes, clothes, and cleaning as she does. The Lord has truly blessed us in so many ways!

Sarah's parents are coming down Saturday to visit and see the kids. It will be good to see them as they live in New Hampshire and we get to see them once every year or so, if that...They are going to stay for a few days and we are going to dedicate Jimmy at church while they're here.

...and remember, only three months until Christmas!

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